
HANDLY was born out of a passion for creating handmade jewelry, which eventually led to the need to establish legal status for further growth. This journey began in 2012, when jewelry crafting first became a pursuit. Over time, pieces were crafted and sold on various platforms, while valuable experience was gained through the sale of items made by other artisans.

The pivotal moment arrived on May 12, 2018, when we ventured into market trading for the first time, setting up just one table at a local open-air market. To our delight, we earned €121! Encouraged by this success, we upgraded to our own tent and began exploring markets in other cities. Our efforts were rewarded with growth, culminating in the opening of our kiosk in shopping mall.

However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges to our business and clients. Despite the adversity, we persevered. While the kiosk had to close its doors, we adapted by shifting our focus to online sales and partnerships. Through resilience and determination, we weathered the storm.

Today, we stand resilient, facing the future with optimism and hope. As we continue to evolve and adapt, we remain committed to our craft and the community we serve.